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Tuesday 11 May 2021

Was it Love ?

Hey there, i hope you have great time.

Thanks for being here and reading this.

                       Was it Love ?  
        ...And if there was something 

i could do

It was just love and i loved you

But i always had aloofness

Oh my soul man 

Are you listening out there!

Or ain't you!

I searched you everywhere

I saw mountains

I saw forests

I asked everyone

Wherever i went

I asked Lilly

I asked Rose

Nobody knew you

I'm afraid, nobody does

Alas! I had grief

For nobody but you

I wish i could find

I wish i could find you

Are you forever gone!

As if you didn't need me

As if you never loved

I know there was something

That i had felt

Was it love ?

Was it love ?

If i were you i would have never left

I would have the grit

To rein over my love

To rein over my love.


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